Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Harvest Stew - (Nats recipe, go to it here)

Stew Meat
3 Carrots
A couple handfuls of fresh or frozen Green Beans (if possible, just use canned if that is all you have)
1-2 small Zucchini
1 bag frozen sweet corn (fresh is best)
4-5 medium Tomatoes (or canned)
1 Onion
5-6 Mushrooms, quartered
Chicken Stock, broth 4 cups +
Herbs, fresh if you have them

Start by slicing the onions in half rings, then sauteing them in a little bit of butter. I added the meat that I had cubed and sauted that with the onions pushed to the side. Since I knew the meat might be tough, I boiled it in the stock for an extra hour since I had the time. No problem if you don't have that kind of time, just continue to the next step after adding the stock to the meat and onions. Add the carrots. Let that simmer with the meat and onions for a bit, since they take the longest to cook. Add some fresh pressed garlic, I seriously added about 1/2 head. Add the rest of the vegetables. Simmer until the veg are tender crisp. Add some fresh herbs basil, chives, oregano, and sage. Just add whatever flavor you have on hand or something you like if you taste it and it needs more flavor.

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